Best friends: Kentee & Dexter

❤ How did you find each other?

We found Dexter as a puppy just born at Hideaway Kennels. We fell in love with the mustache and the heart shape on his bum!

❤ How can you tell if your dog wants to go outside or if he’d rather stay indoors?

Dexter always goes to the door and has a certain sound he makes when it is time to go outside.

❤ What are your tips when taking your dog on outdoor adventures?

For him walking I always find as flat and compact of a road or trail I can find. It can have hills but it has to be smooth. We now have a K9 backpack which has totally changed the game for us to take him outside deep in the mountains 

❤ Where is your favorite place to go together?

Walks around town  in the high country. He loves walking main street but I prefer the back country quiet streets

❤ Does he have any quirk or funny habit?

Yes… he does not think he is disabled. He just moves. He is happy, goofy, and has a lot of antics. He appears like a human most of the time. He is really good at getting his nonverbal point across!

❤ What is the naughtiest thing he has done?

Oh… tons…. He got out of the fence right before the accident… but Daily he is a food thief… he will walk upright right next to the counter and stick out his tongue towards the counter as he walks by.. a moving food thief!

❤ How does he cheer you up when you’re sad?

He becomes velcro. If I have trouble sleeping he insists he is next to me or even makes sure he is somehow snuggled right next to me. If I am okay he is in the other utgroom!

❤ What does FriendshipCollar mean to you?

It is so special and really makes me smile every time I see it.

❤ Dexter's TikTok videos are so fun to watch and he seems to be a natural on camera! Does he know if it's filming time?

Yes… he is a showman. He sees the phone and off he goes. He did that for the 4th of July parade too. He hammed it up! He makes me laugh. He gets this swger strutt!!!

❤ Is there anything else you want to share with us about your bestie?

He has quite the personality for sure!  

❤ What are your top tips for dog pawrents on helping their dogs live a happy, healthy life?

Train your dogs for really good manners and every day commands. I did not train him to walk upright but he will come when I call, sit, stay, go to his rug, and do what I say. It is so important to have a dog with manners because it makes life so much easier for  everyone involved. Also they need outside time, human contact time, a good diet and water at all times!

❤ And the best thing about having your bestie is....

He makes me so happy and always has a very positive attitude. He makes me know we can do anything we stick our mind to!

Get the Look!

Besties Kentee & Dexter are wearing: The Mucky Pup